On behalf of the Laboratory of Stem Cell Research and Application (SCL) and the Biomedical Research and Therapy’ editorial team, we would like to extend a warm welcome to you.
Biomedical Research and Therapy is the official journal of SCL. Biomedical Research and Therapy is a new journal, peer-reviewed, a highly visible, open access forum, rapid speed publication with new ideas and advanced studies in biomedical science. The mission of this journal is to deliver significant, well-documented studies to biomedical researchers and doctors.
Biomedical Research and Therapy focuses on basic, translational and clinical research into molecular therapeutics and cellular therapies, including animal models and clinical trials. Subject areas suitable for publication include, but are not limited tothe following fields: gene editing, gene correction, immunotherapy, cell/stem cell therapy, targeting therapy, gene therapy,stem cell gene therapy, gene transfer, gene silencing, gene expression control, DNA vaccine, biochemistry/biophysics, cellbiology, developmental biology, genetics, immunology, molecular biology, protein science, structural biology, translationalmedicine, clinical trials.
Main text
On behalf of the Laboratory of Stem Cell Research and Application (SCL) and the Biomedical Research and Therapy’ editorial team, we would like to extend a warm welcome to you.
Biomedical Research and Therapy is the official journal of SCL. Biomedical Research and Therapy is a new journal, peerreviewed, a highly visible, open access forum, rapid speed publication with new ideas and advanced studies in biomedical science. The mission of this journal is to deliver significant, well-documented studies to biomedical researchers and doctors.
Biomedical Research and Therapy focuses on basic, translational and clinical research into molecular therapeutics and cellular therapies, including animal models and clinical trials. Subject areas suitable for publication include, but are not limited to the following fields: gene editing, gene correction, immunotherapy, cell/stem cell therapy, targeting therapy, gene therapy, stem cell gene therapy, gene transfer, gene silencing, gene expression control, DNA vaccine, biochemistry/ biophysics, cell biology, developmental biology, genetics, immunology, molecular biology, protein science, structural biology, translational medicine, clinical trials.
Biomedical Research and Therapy will publish almost of article types included research articles, commentaries, corrections, editorials, letters, and reviews. All manuscripts must be gone to double-blind peer-review process. The first decision after submitting is 2-3 weeks. All accepted manuscripts will be immediately published in Pre-publication form and final form is completed after 7-14 days. All manuscripts will be check plagiarism by crosscheck and grammarly software.
We have been delighted by the support of Springer International Publisher. Biomedical Research and Therapy is hosted by Global Science Journal (GSJ), Springer. GSJ uses the same technology of Springer to publish the international journal. With Springer technology, all articles will weekly be updated as Springerlink ensuring that they are always state of the art, optimize for maximum findability by internet Search Engine algorithms. Moreover, from first issue journal will be sent for evaluation at popular databases included SCOPUS, EMBASE, Chemical Abstracts Service (CAS), Google Scholar, Zoological Record, DOAJ, ISI, PubMed/Medline, Pubmed Central.
We hope you will enjoy reading the first issue as much as we have enjoyed producing it. We hope, too, that it will inspire you to send us your next manuscript and choose Biomedical Research and Therapy as the host for your publications.

Article Details
Volume & Issue : Vol 1 No 01 (2014)
Page No.: 1
Published on: 2014-01-08
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This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License.
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