The Roman calendar identified January as the month in which looking back and looking forward were both appropriate. Biomedical Research and Therapy (BMRAT) now has one-year history of publication, following a one-year period of preparation, and the first volume has been wrapped up. The vital signs of the journal were positive from the beginning and are becoming stronger all the time.
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After 3rd issues had been published, BMRAT was accepted to index in US National Library of Medicine (NLM). In other words, BMRAT maintains the quick article processing system. The average time from submission to the first decision from Editor-in-Chief is 15 days with at least two peer-reviewers per paper. We think this has been achieved partly because reviewers have been attracted by a chance to help us work out the snags in the electronic system that the journal uses, and partly because the system itself already works so well that it promotes prompt and easy communications and decisions by reviewers and the relevant Editor.
In last year, we are happy to receive manuscripts from more than ten different countries such as Viet Nam, American, India, Bangladesh, Nigeria, Russia, Ethiopia, Malaysia, China, and Italy. These manuscripts significantly contributed to development and growth of BMRAT.
By this letter, we would like to thank all editorial board members and reviewers of BMRAT. BMRAT is proud about international editorial board came from 9 countries included Viet Nam, America, Japan, Korea, Australia, India, Poland, Germany, and China. Current members of the BMRAT Editorial Board are: Ngoc Kim Phan (Vietnam National University, HCM city, Vietnam), Thai Duc Nguyen (Vietnam National University, HCM city, Vietnam), Kiet Dinh Truong (University of Medicine & Pharmacy, Ho Chi Minh City, Vietnam), Thuoc Linh Tran (Vietnam National University, HCM city, Vietnam), Michael Robert Doran (Queensland University of Technology, Australia), Suaib Luqman (Central Institute of Medical and Aromatic Plants, India), Debmalya Barh (Institute of Integrative Omics and Applied Biotechnology (IIOAB), India), Son Nghia Hoang (Vietnam Academy of Science and Technology, Vietnam), Paolo Carloni (German Research School for Simulation Sciences GmbH, Jülich, Germany), Li Suan Mai (Institute of Physics, Polish Acad Sci, Warsaw, Poland), Fuyu Tamanoi (University of California, Los Angeles, United States), Dong Kee Jeong (Jeju National University, Jeju, Korea), Thach Nguyen (University of Arizona Medical Center, Tucson, AZ-USA), Toan Linh Nguyen (Vietnam Military Medical University, Hanoi, Vietnam), Liem Minh Phan (The University of Texas, Houston, United States), Yasuhiko Nishioka (University of Tokushima Graduate School, Japan), Somi Kim Cho (Jeju National University, Jeju, Korea), Kiyoshi Fukui (University of Tokushima Graduate School, Japan), Lam Hoang Dang (Memorial Sloan Kettering Cancer Center (MSKCC), New York, United States), Dong Van Le (Vietnam Military Medical University, Hanoi, Vietnam), Meng Yang (AntiCancer Biotech Co., Ltd, China), Kalyani Raju (ESIC Medical College & PGIMSR, Bangalore, India), Mahammed RafiqKhan (Sree Narayana Guru College, K G Chavadi, Coimbatore- 105, Tamilnadu, India). Many other reviewers have also provided outstanding support for the journal, and we are incredibly grateful to each and every one of them for their time, thoughtful comments and prompt submission of reviews. Without these generous contributions from our editorial members and reviewers, we would not be able to produce the journal.
In the new-year 2015, the electronic publishing system is improved with two new useful tools included “Early View” and “The latest article alert”. All manuscripts will be immediately published in BMRAT as soon as accepted with watermark “Early View”. The final publication will be finished in the next two weeks. With “The latest article alert”, BMRAT will provide these latest publications to subscribers. In this year, BMRAT also will be submitted to evaluate for indexing at Scopus, PubMed Central. The policy of completely free publication cannot of course continue indefinitely. Beginning soon, the submission process will contain a notice of publication charges, which we will temporarily allow to be honored on a voluntary basis. However, in a later issue we will announce a detailed schedule of both submission and publication fees for BMRAT that will not be voluntary.
Looking ahead, we expect BMRAT to continue to grow and to make a place for itself among the most valued journals of biomedical science.
With our best wishes for a constructive and fruitful New Year 2015,
Phuc Van Pham

Article Details
Volume & Issue : Vol 2 No 1 (2015)
Page No.: 167-168
Published on: 2015-01-25
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This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License.
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