
Welcome to Biomedical Research and Therapy

Phuc Van Pham

1 |


Platelet-rich plasma in regenerative medicine

Guhta Ra Hara, Thaha Basu

25-31 |

Original Research

Symptomatic knee osteoarthritis treatment using autologous adipose derived stem cells and platelet-rich plasma: a clinical study

Khanh Hong-Thien Bui, Triet Dinh Duong, Nhan Thanh Nguyen, Thanh Duc Nguyen, Vien Tuong Le, Viet Thanh Mai, Nhan Lu-Chinh Phan, Dung Minh Le, Ngoc Kim Phan, Phuc Van Pham

02-08 |


Safety of mesenchymal stem cell transplantation

Matthie Robert

21-24 |

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